Persimmon, Arugula, Fennel, Pecorino Salad

Source: Inspired by Taylor Boetticher, of Fatted Calf.

Recipe Type: | Seasons:

Based on a salad Taylor Boetticher prepared at the 2009 Sunday Supper.

Serves 4-6


1 large or 2 small fennel bulbs
2 fuyu persimmon
2 teaspoons tablespoon champagne vinegar
2 teaspoons walnut oil
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon sea salt
½ pound arugula, washed and dried well
A handful of olives
¼ pound pecorino romano


  1. Core fennel and thinly slice using mandolin or sharp knife. Peel persimmon and thinly slice those also. Whisk together vinegar, oils, honey and salt in a bowl and add in fennel and persimmon, allow to macerate for 15-30 minutes.

  2. Place arugula in a large salad bowl and toss with a pinch of sea salt  Drain fennel and persimmon, reserving marinade.  Toss with fennel and persimmon with arugula. Add in olives and toss gently once more. If necessary add a bit of the marinade, you want the salad to be just barely coated. Top with sliced pecorino and serve.

Farmers Market Ingredients