Avocado Toast

Source: Suzanne Drexhage, Bartavelle

Recipe Type: | Seasons: , ,

This recipe was demonstrated for CUESA’s Market to Table program on September 10, 2016, featuring Brokaw Ranch Company.

Serves 1


One ¾-inch-thick slice rustic bread, such as Acme pain au levain
Extra-virgin olive oil
1 avocado, such as Hass
1 wedge lemon
Celtic sea salt, finely ground
Marash pepper


Toast or grill the bread to your favorite degree of doneness (we prefer it not too light, so the bread can stand up to the amount of avocado we like to use). Drizzle lightly with olive oil.  Slice the avocado all the way around, top to bottom. Twist the halves apart and carefully remove the pit with a knife or your fingers. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado. The size of the fruit varies considerably, so shoot for good coverage – at least ⅓ inch thick. Use a fork to smash the avocado evenly all over the toast. Drizzle with a little more olive oil (maybe a teaspoon or two) squeeze some lemon juice over it, then sprinkle evenly with salt and follow with Marash pepper.

Farmers Market Ingredients