Achadinha Cheese Co.

Jim, Donna, William, Daniel, Elizabeth, and David Pachecho
230 Acres of farmland in Petaluma, about 47 miles to San Francisco
Jim Pacheco is a third-generation dairyman on both sides of his family. He runs a small family farm and cheese company with his wife, sons, and daughter. The Pachecos pasture 150 goats and 70 cows (“the girls”) on 230 acres along with horses, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, chickens, and ducks. Everything they do is about saving the family farm. All of the milk produced on the ranch goes into Achadinha’s farmstead cheeses. “The girls” are fed brewer’s grain from two local breweries, whey with kombucha, and the best hay the family can find. No hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides are used. The flavors of the cheeses change based on what the girls are eating and the season.